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  • Aug 15 2021

    Secondary Drowning

    Summer is in full swing, and we all have been enjoying being outside and doing outside activities. We know not to expose our pets to extreme temperatures (e.g. heat), but…

  • Aug 15 2021

    Heat Stress

    How’s everybody’s summer going so far? I hope you had the greatest adventures out there! But hey, it’s not over yet, let’s make sure to enjoy the last few weeks…

  • Jul 08 2021

    Animals and Heat Exposure

    Summer is here, and with the summer hot temperatures are arriving. We already had our first heatwave of the summer and lots of reports of pets being exposed to and…

  • Jul 08 2021

    Camping With Your Pet

    I don’t know about you, but I already have a few campsites booked for the summer! Looking forward to seeing you all out there with your pets as well. But,…

  • Jun 11 2021


    With all our Covid19 restrictions still in place, we are all getting impatient to return to a more normal, pre-Covid19 operating mode. Many of us have been spending more time…

  • Jun 11 2021

    Ear Infections

    I see you! I see you there reading this and shaking your head thinking: “here we go again, this Doctor is going to talk about another problem I may face…

  • Jun 11 2021

    Off Leash Park Manners

    Wait, don’t go quite yet. I know you all want to be out there enjoying the dog parks and getting some exercise in today, but should we review some dog…

  • Apr 06 2021

    Toxic Plants

    If you are anything like me you may have a house full of plants. Although they make our homes cozy and pretty, did you know that some of them can…

  • Apr 06 2021

    Quality of Life Assessment

    Hello, it’s Dr. Susanne Krägeloh again. As a veterinarian, I enjoy working with pets. Our team gets to cuddle all those cute puppies and kittens, and we see them grow…

  • Apr 06 2021

    Injuries from a Sudden Increase in Activity

    I don’t know about you, but March always brings my hopes up and I start to think that summer is just around the corner! I start daydreaming about all the…
